Kemono Jihen Wiki

Khoular (屍鬼 (クーラー) , Kūrā?, lit. "Corpse ghost/devil") are Kemono that are considered a type of demon.


Khoulars do not have any blood, because of this they aren't affected by things like anesthesia.[1] While they do not possess any blood a Khoular hybrid, at least Kabane, have something white in their bodies.[2] They are kemono not native to Japan. Khoulars also can't breed resulting to Khoulars not having a lot of population. They have flame circulating through their bodies instead of blood, and they increase their kind by sharing their flame with other living creatures. However, as they continue to share their flames to others, it weakens and someday it will go out.[3]


Currently, the only known half human Khoular is Kabane. Animals who turned into Khoulars have red eyes and some patches seem to appear on their skin.


  • Immortality: Khoulars are unable to die even if they are killed. It will, however, be unable to move if their head is separated from their bodies. [1]
  • Regeneration: Khoulars are able to grow new parts of their body after it is detached.
  • Pain nullity: Khoulars are unable to feel pain.[4]
  • Immense Strength:

Known Khoulars[]



  1. 1.0 1.1 Kemono Jihen Manga: Chapter 1.
  2. Kemono Jihen Manga: Chapter 2.
  3. Kemono Jihen Manga: Chapter 23.
  4. Kemono Jihen Manga: Chapter 2.

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