Kemono Jihen Wiki

Umetaro Matsutake (松竹 (まつたけ) (うめ) () (ろう) , Matsutake Umetarō?) is a detective at Inari's Special Investigation Unit.


Umetaro’s appearance reflects his laid-back attitude. He has black curly unkempt hair and light-colored eyes, and a friendly air about him.

When he dresses formally, he wears a white untucked dress shirt, a polka dot tie, and a black suit jacket with sleeves rolled up, alongside denim trousers and leather shoes. On his left arm, he wears the Special Investigation Unit armband. On his right wrist, he has a money-attracting bracelet, which he got from a fortune teller (which is actually a scam). 

His attire doesn’t change much when in Okinawa, except for his shirt and footwear; he wears a floral short-sleeved shirt and beach sandals.


Compared to everyone else at the Special Investigation Unit, Umetaro is the most easy-going and objectively friendly. However, he is a self-indulgent individual and has an affinity for simple-minded pleasures, such as money and alcohol. He also likes to gamble, usually to his own detriment.

Umetaro is quite timid and he’s often driven by fear. Partially because of this, he comes off as a pushover, being a little clumsy with his reasoning and actions. Others don’t expect much of him. Though when he sets his mind to something, he becomes pretty capable and successful. He doesn’t use brute force but rather relies on deceptive tactics.


Umetaro was approached by Nobimaru to join the Special Investigation Unit. It’s implied Umetaro doesn’t join out of free will; he had just suffered a great monetary loss after gambling at a casino, which Nobimaru paid off to coerce Umetaro into joining his cause. [2]

Powers & Abilities[]

  • Time Manipulation: Umetaro can manipulate time by passing gas, which momentarily freezes time for people around him, while he can move freely. [2]



Umetaro’s boss, who he owes a debt to. Despite being afraid of Nobimaru, Umetaro has no other choice but to work for him due to the debt. However, the two get along quite well and Nobimaru seemingly relies on Umetaro and even entrusts certain matters to him.

Kaede Hanagata[]

The two hang out outside of work, usually drinking at a bar.


Manga Appearances
Chapters in order of appearance

Shimane-Amagafuchi Arc

Ogreham Factory Arc

Gourd Training Arc


  • His surname, Matsutake, can refer altogether to a type of mushroom with the same name, containing the Kun reading for "pine tree" (松)(matsu) and "bamboo" (竹)(take).
  • His given name, Umetaro, contains the Kun reading for "plum" (梅)(ume) and a common male suffix meaning "first son, healthy son" (太郎)(taro).


  • He likes getting rich quick and cheap alcohol. [1]
  • He dislikes serious people, hard work, and lectures. [1]
  • He likes to do gambling and hanging out with his close friends on his day off. [1]
  • His preferred type is "older". [3]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Kemono Jihen Manga: Volume 9.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Kemono Jihen Manga: Chapter 33.
  3. Kemono Jihen Manga: Volume 10.

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